Brainstorming for Minimal Posters

 When you are finished with Mr. Potato Head and uploading it to your blog (Directions on post below), you may spend the class period brainstorming, researching, and sketching for our next project: Minimal movie poster.

Outline for Minimal Poster project:

How will you make your images minimal? Remember, use a photograph as a reference image – do not simply copy an existing minimal poster.

Dolores_UmbridgeFrance ,chouette harfang ( Bubo scandiacus ), zoo //France ,Snowy Owl ( Bubo scandiacus ) ,zoo

1240x620-toystory-characters-mrpotatoheadTLARGE-Toy-Story-3-Big-Baby 9ac0db2d1be27cf827444e310a926a95.jpgnik_donethe-big-bang-theory


Mr. Potato Head Posting

When you are finished with your Mr. Potato Head project, Follow the instructions below to upload your image to your blog:

1. Hide your reference image.

2. Unlock all layers.

3. Make a selection of every piece.

4. Hold down shift while increasing the size.

5. Resize your art board to fit your image.

6. File > Export > JPEG

7. Color Model: RGB and Quality: 10 Maximum 



There are repeated leaf shapes of different greens, yellow, and white colors in the background of the gum package. The leaf shape could be for the mint flavor of the gum. The O is a perfect circle divided by two different colors.


The shapes inside the leaves of this band poster have angles and sharp edges where the repeated shape of the bugs is round. The shapes of the holes in the leaves are perfect circles.

1f349 (1)

The watermelon emoji is a half circle shape and the seeds inside are small ovals with oval highlights.

Mr. Potato Head Continued

Good Morning! Today we will continue to work on our Mr. Potato Head practice. You will need at least 10 pieces with shadows & highlights shapes. Make sure you are using Layers to your advantage.

Use the direct Direct Selection tool to double click anchor points to correct lines and clean edges.

potato-head       layers.JPG

If you are finished with your ten pieces, you either: finish other pieces, finish your line artwork from last week, or create a new document and find an image of your choice to make vector. 🙂

Mr. Potato Head

Good Morning! Today we will post our choice line practices to our blog and start our Mr. Potato Head practice. We will be focused on Shapes (shapes of different colors), Pen Tool precision (as limited anchor points as possible), and using Layers efficiently (Ear layer, Ear highlights, Ear shadows, etc.).


Directions for posting line practices to blog:

Open your line practice document.
Hide your reference layer
Resize your artboard if needed Capture.PNG
File > Export and save your file as a JPEG
Log in to your blog and post your these images to your blog.


Directions for Potato head below:

Find the JPEG file Titled “Mr. Potato Head” in the folder:
Shared >Students >Fine Art >Pen Practice.
Drag this image to your home folder.


  1. Open a new Illustrator document.
  2. File> Place the Mr. Potato image on your Artboard.
  3. Name this layer reference image and lock it.
  4. Create a new layer name “Body” and trace the outline of the potato.
  5. Using the Eyedropper tool, fill this shape you made by clicking the potato color.
  6. Lock and hide this layer.
  7. Create a new layer named “Eye and Mustache layer”.
  8. Trace around the white eye shapes and black mustache shape.
  9. Use the Eyedropper tool to fill these shapes.
  10. Lock and hide this layer.
  11. Create a new layer named “Pupil and mustache highlights”.
  12. Continue working this way.



This example has too many anchor points used and not clean shapes:


Welcome Back!


You will create and publish your first blog post today. Find 2 images from the Webquest that best represent the element of Line. Upload your two images to a post and describe the lines in the design. When you are finished, click publish and you may continue to work on the pen tool exercises: 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 or the line project of your choice. 3


There are repeated scribble-like lines surrounding the portrait on the magazine cover. The font also matches these lines. Some lines are black to stand out against the light background and some are white to stand out against the blue floor. 


Line is a dominant element in this album cover design. The lines very in color and direction. The name of the band Iron and Wine is also composed of lines. 

We are going to keep practicing our pen tool skills in Illustrator:

  1. Please Finish exercises 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. Make sure you are following the steps on the blog post below: (Set fill to none, choose stroke color, Stroke weight at 3pt., Create new layer, etc.). Please show me when you are finished.

  2. When you are finished with the exercises, you may start another image of you choice in the pen tool practice folder: Shared > Students> Fine Art > Pen Tool Practice. When setting up a new document, complete the following steps:

  • Create new document.
  • File > Place the image of you choice
  • Resize holding down shift.
  • Resize Art Board using art board tool if needed.
  • Lock your photo layer.
  • Create new layer and start tracing lines as accurately as you can.

Here are some of the images in the pen practice folder:
